SPACES FOR DISCOVERY consisted of seven public art pieces, spread through four communities in West Michigan. Each piece offered educational programming and community interaction through the Saugatuck Center for the Arts in celebration of their 20th Anniversary.
Plexiglass paintings created by 1st and 6th graders at Fennville Elementary.
Row Boats built by the Saugatuck High School Shop Classes. Each boat contained a community garden, designed by ScottyGrows, that included several edible crops for community members to take home. Wind Chimes hung among the plants, created through educational programming with local elementary school classes, out of recycled materials.
The boats spanned over 1000', taking community members through the garden of the Saugatuck Center for the Arts, into Coghlin Park, and to the waterfront.

Each Location included summer educational workshops where students engaged with the art, imagined and created their own pieces. In many cases, the work they created was added to the pre-existing art piece.